Makeup for Round Face

If your face has the appearance of being shorter and breadth of what it really is, then give you the best beauty tricks to achieve a visual effect for finar factions, with this ideal makeup for round face imaged by wholesaleably.

Dark base

As in all good makeup for round face, the base is vital to gaining a look free of imperfections, so used one of the color of your skin on your face, neck and décolleté, now you will need another base two darker tones, which you use in the vertical direction from the height of the temple towards the edge of your jaw.

Dark blush

This is one of the steps essential for a good makeup for round face, since it is the trick that will conceal the cheeks, with a large and angular brush, apply a blush or flush two or three shades darker than your skin, from the ear diagonally downward along your jaw, blurs the tone well.

Flush light

The next step of makeup for round face is to apply blush you normally use, i.e. a smooth tone as the pink or peach, on the cheek, above the jaw, you must blend well the two tones of blush, the light and the dark, for a natural look.


Brightness is very important to give light to your face and at the same time highlight certain areas, i.e. in a makeup for round face, to play with dark shades to hide and clear to highlight, that is applied just above the soft blush on the cheek bone and also must blend properly.


Another of the tricks of effective makeup for round face, is to use the base dark in the area of the “chaps”, in order to create a shadow effect, begins in the area of the jaw and fades towards the Centre, with the help of a sponge, it is easier, finally applied with a brush powder translucent on the basis to secure it.


One of the tips or tricks that hardly anyone knows about the makeup for round face, is that you must keep eyebrows thick, angular to lengthen the face, i.e. If you depilas them too and curved will more plump face, why let them grow and makes the eyebrow arch high and triangular semi not curved.


We know that the eyes are the most important thing any makeup, already that are the ones who stand out more than the face, so you must focus attention on them, and as the trick is to create angles and lengthen factions, makeup for round face of eyes is recommended smoking or which leaves the eyes in the form of triangle or letter V.


Finally, you should remember that other parties more sensual and in the face of a woman is the mouth, why apply tones bright enough roses, or peaches to create the appearance of volume, if not you too maquillaste your eyes, you can apply more intense colors on your lips, like red or orange.


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